The Fight Cat from Source
Summary - Your soul choose to have its first life as an individual being, was an energy being in the Orion nebula. This is god source, where all souls come from and go off to be individuals, but it's also the home of the creators, angels, guides and masters. - You created your own unique form as a feline energy being, as a tiger with a lion's mane, like no other! - Your first mission as this being was creating and helping dreams come true, and turning fear into light. You turned illusion to truth and awakened others. It's a sort of dream walker. - Your soul has red energy for creation, action and power. - The energy you used was a rainbow wisdom and diamond light, connecting across all space and time. - You used sacred geometry and healing light codes Your light code reading Forces of light that Shine so bright turning the wheel to seal the deal wisdom and strength is there to take Flexible means to visit dreams How we use it is how we prove it ...